Bloons Conception Wiki

This is a joke conception. It is not meant to be taken seriously. Also, if it is not taken as funny by anyone in (insert amount of time allotted to jokes here), it will be deleted.

It will not be deleted. Seriously. It is DEATH. It will ban you if you even THINK about delreqing this masterpiece.

BCOW (Butt Cow Omniverse Water) is a bloon that is a community of epic users that stand strong together and can do anything if they put their mind to it. And what did they put their mind to? Defeating you.

spawn conditions[]

condition 1: defeat the “true” final boss of whatever game you are playing

condition 2: have ALL achievements and ALL upgrades unlocked

condition 3: have found ALL secrets and easter eggs, and have filled in ALL monkey knowledge

condition 4: be at MAX rank

condition 5: be at EXACTLY round 1,000,000,000

condition 6: a 0.0000000000000000001% chance must be met

condition 7: get black borders on ALL tracks

condition 8: get ALL heroes

condition 9: have had a total of 1,000,000,000,000 (1 trillion) MM over the time you have played

condition 10: be awesome

if ALL of those conditions are met, the BCOW will spawn.

the bloon itself[]

it’s a joke conception lol

anyways, it has 5 decillion HP (there is no stopping it!) and moves at the speed of a... what’s my line?

it does not have any attacks, but it has 100 AD and is immune to one-nuke wonder and other instakills.

you cannot pop it. It is impossible. Oh, and it sets your lives to 0 if it escapes, even if you have more lives than this bloon has RBE. As if that’s even possible.

it contains 3 FOUNDERs. Yes, 3. Why? Because the founder used some cloning device to become more awesomer.


the FOUNDER is the head of the wiki, and contains 150 POLICETEAMLEADERs, 500 SUPPORTTEAMLEADERs, and 20 CONCEPTIONGRANDMASTERs.

he has 450 nonillion HP and is very deadly, as just simply normal users on this wiki are like GODS to the monkeys. Has some, i mean 1, attacks-er, i mean... attack. sorry, I keep forgetting my lines!:

ban the vandals!: bans a tower, killing it instantly, and it cannot be revived. It has a 75% chance of reviving instantly after 10 minutes, though.


cupid’s omnipotent nugget’s cool epitome‘s popped terror inside of national god’s running apple’s nugget-destroying master’s apple’s sister’s tree‘s revenge is a bloon with 10 nonillion HP. He contains 30 CONCEPTIONMASTERs. He attacks by banning monkeys that attack it because they are too mean to be on the wiki.


the POLICETEAMLEADER is a bloon with 250 septillion HP and contains 30 CONCEPTIONGUARDIANs. His name stands for pun on liters ice creepy entity terror entity apple master lead apple destroys evil rampaging. Yeah i didn’t put any effort into that acronym because i already did acronyms for BCOW, FOUNDER, and CONCEPTIONGRANDMASTER. they attack the same way as the CONCEPTIONGRANDMASTER... do I even have to mention this anymore?


stupid underdog poor purple omnipotent rags terror terror evil and man lost evil apple destroys evil rags is a bloon with 100 sextillion (yes, sextillion is a real number. It’s 1,000,000,000,000,000,000!) HP and why am I making such an OP joke conception? He heals all other BCOW users and stuff for 1HP per 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 seconds. Contains 30 SUPPORTERs. The healing effect stacks.


cupid’s omnipotent nugget’s cool epitome‘s popped terror inside of national master’s apple’s sister’s tree‘s revenge is a blimb (yes, i spelled it wrong intentionally) is a bloon with 50 octillion HP and he attacks the same way as a CONCEPTIONGRANDMASTER, and I just... eh... frick. I don’t know what this should contain. Mabye 5 POLICETEAMLEADERs and 75 SUPPORTTEAMLEADERs?


stupid underdog poor purple omnipotent rags terror evil rags. It has 50 quintillion HP. It’s 1,000,000,000,000,000,000!) HP and heals all BCOW user things for 1HP per 0.00000000001 seconds. This effect stacks. contains 300 USERs. I want to stop making this conception. Ahhh... it’s covered in my blood, sweat, tears, and other fluids... this... is... hard...

ok I’m joking it’s not that hard k let’s move on.


3 septillion HP. jesus christ this thing is OP. uuuuuuuugh... forget my pain Let’s move on. it attacks like a POLICETEAMLEADER. Contains 50 CONCEPTIONPOLICE. stands for cupid’s omnipotent nugget’s cool epitome‘s popped terror inside of national gutters under ananymous rags dying apple nugget.


Stands for cupid’s omnipotent nugget’s cool epitome‘s popped terror inside of national pun on liters ice creepy entity is a bloon with 75 sextillion HP. it contains 1,000 USERs.


400 quadrillion HP. Contains 100 BCOWs. This makes it an example of the berry paradox. Trolled! USER stands for Undergod ses evil REEEEEEEEEE.


  • finally...